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Surgical Loupes

Online Surgical Operation Coordinator You Can Rely On is privileged to serve the community of surgeons and offer personalized, one-on-one care to every patient. They provide quality operation room reservation, treatment devices, anesthesiologist, surgical operation technician, X-ray technician or nurse staff per hours. Get in touch to schedule your operation room. Book online first then fill up the patient registration form

Jeddah Trauma Team

Public·5 members
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Saw Machine 2 fingers injury 🤔

This was a gentleman who got injured by a saw machine, great team work …

This what has been done for him

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مريض يبلغ من العمر ٦٣ سنه يعاني من السكر والضغط خضع لعملية تثبيت لكسر الكاحل ولكن انتهت بالتحام متشوه وتقوس للداخل مما ادى الى فقده للتنقل باستخدام الطرف المصاب

63 years old Case of Diabetes , hypertension and

Right ankle trauma since 2 years , open reduction and internal fixation with medial and lateral plate was done for him but unfortunately

Fracture healed in varus mal union

Patient was on wheelchair , can’t bear weight because of the varus

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ترميم الرباط الداعم للمرفق بعد خلع مرفق مريض اربعيني

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مريضه تعاني من السمنه، تعرضت الى كسر في عظمة العضد اليسرى

160 kg lady got left humerus fracture

Pre operative X-Ray of left humerus اشعة سينيه للكسر قبل العمليه

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عملية تخييط قطع وتر احد عضلات الكفه المستديره للكتف

Supraspinatus tendon tear

صورة للقطع بالمنظار داخل العمليات

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خشونة ركبة شديده ادت الى فقدان الجزء الداخلي من مفصل الركبه وتشوه ملحوظ للطرف

الاشعه السينيه للركبه قبل العمليه

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حاله كسر متفتت للسلاما القريبه للاصباع الثالث تم علاجها بطريقة سوزوكي

Case of proximal phalanx comminuted fracture of middle finger treated with Suzuki frame

Dr. Sharaf Aldeen
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Dr. Sharaf Aldeen
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انقاذ طرف من البتر اثر ارتفاع ضغط الحجر العضليه عن طريق ارخاء الضغط بالاجراح الجراحيه وخياطة قابله للاغلاق بالشد اثناء الغيارات السريريه

Saving limb from compartment syndrome via multible fasciotomy and shoelace wound closure

Art of surgery

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حادثة سقوط ادت الى كسر متفتت لرأس عظمة الكعبره،

اسحب للاعلى

صورة للفريق الطبي بعد نجاح العمليه بقيادتي

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علاج قطع ابهام مع ترميم شرايين مقطوعه لعامل سقط على منشار .. خطوات العلاج المتخذه تثبيت للعظم السلاما المكسوره القريب بعظم المشط الاول عن طريق اسلاك معدنيه بواسطة جراح العظام د. انمار عبداللطيف من ثم ربط للشرايين والاوتار المقطوعه من قبل جراح التجميل د. عصام حمدي

Dr. Sharaf Aldeen
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Research: Comparing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty and High Tibial Osteotomy for Isolated Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis

Comparing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty and High Tibial Osteotomy for Isolated Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis
Download PDF

Dr. Sharaf Aldeen
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An accident end up with volar forearm deep cut wound with flexor tendons loss of function.

A video explain what has been reparied. Enjoy

Dr. Sharaf Aldeen
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Example for patient file uploading ,

note: name the file with patient ID and mobile number

Download DOCX

Dr. Sharaf Aldeen
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A Case of forearm extensor tendons complete cut by heavy sharp object. Treated immediately with tendons repair. Result was amazing ❤️

Dr. Sharaf Aldeen
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Dr. Anmar
March 17, 2023 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the Jeddah Trauma Team! You can connect with other members, get updates and share your cases as picture or videos. Get help for your cases and more, join us today.

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YourOR Informed Surgical consent

Your OR Informed-Consent-to-Surgery
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Operation Rooms

Jeddah Operation Rooms


International medical center operation rooms

Put your patient health first and schedule their operation today with international medical centre. They provide high quality service. Be a member in our Community then book online


Dr. Suliman Fakeeh Hospital

Put your patient health first and schedule their operation today.

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Dr. Erfan & Bagado General Hospital

For your emergency cases booking with Dr. Erfan & Bagado General Hospital is your good choice.

Makkah Operation Rooms


Operation room in Dr. Alawi Tonsi Hospital 

Before Surgery

Patient Registeration Form

Patient Medical Insurance Card
Patient ID card
Patient Consent

Thanks for submitting! We’ll be in touch soon.

Medical Supplies

Highest Quality Products

Insurance Options

A Wide Range of Coverage



Required for Dr. Suliman Fakeeh Hospital treatment cost cover

Organizer Team

Your right to know

YourOR always appreciates feedback. That is why they’re so invested in making sure each surgeon is satisfied with the services provided. Contact us below if you face any problem

IMG_1839 2_edited.jpg

Owner of YourOR.Agency
Orthopedic Surgeon 
Master of Orthopedic Surgery 
International Medical Center 
Saudi Arabia

Dr. Anmar Habhab

Smiling Young Man

Operation Director at International Medical Center


 Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Daghestani

Mature Businessman

Operation Director at Dr. Suliman Fakeeh Hospital Jeddah Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mahdi Basi


IT Engineer for Your OR agency in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

IT Engineer
Majed Alzedan


Want to experience exceptional results for your patients? Schedule an appointment today.

How to use YourOR Website?

This Video shows you a screenshot of a surgeon booking OR room online within 3 minutes!
Note: You only can book surgical operation room after being a member in our community.

Request Membership

Surgical Scissors

One time form. If you are surgeon, anesthesiologist, anesthesia technician, X-ray technician or surgical nurse, Fill the form below and sign up to be a member in our community. Note: only surgeon are allowed to book surgical operation rooms

Upload your resume
Upload your ID
Upload your SCFHS classification
Select an option

Thanks for applying! We’ll be in touch soon.

Contact us 

If you have a concern or special request we are happey to help you. Send us a photo of your requested treatment device if not available in our gallery.

Whatsapp 00966504994641

Thanks for submitting!

MRI Scans

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